Design Global, Build Local

CUBIC33 Group operates through 13 subsidiaries and a robust workforce both locally and internationally. Our teams are accessible, responsive, and highly adaptable, ensuring the successful delivery of your projects on both local and global scales.

Cubic 33 Maroc SARL


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Cubic 33 Mexico S de RL


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Cubic Building Construction SL


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Cubic 33 Colombia SAS


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Cubic 33 France SARL


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Cubic 33 SAC


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Cubic 33 Portugal LDA


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Cubic 33 Ecuador S.A


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Cubic 33 Chile SPA

Santiago de Chile

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Cubic 33 Republica Dominicana S.R.L

Santo Domingo

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Cubic 33 Uruguay SAS


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Cubic 33 Panamá CORP

Panamá city

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Cubic 33 Brazil Construção LTDA

Sao Paolo

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Alongside our clients

Local operations for local support

Each entity is structured to facilitate the development and oversight of our clients’ projects.

Our national offices are strategically located near the most dynamic economic regions of each country. Each subsidiary is supported by a dedicated contact team that maintains regular communication with our clients and close collaboration with our local partners.

CUBIC33 Group empowers each of its subsidiaries

Seamless development of your international projects

quais chargement logistique

Our subsidiaries maintain continuous communication with each other, ensuring exceptional continuity across your projects worldwide. We strive to develop your projects with fluidity, professionalism, and consistency.

Knowledge shared between subsidiaries

conception plans scaled

Knowledge sharing and team spirit are core pillars of CUBIC33 Group’s internal policy. Our teams—from engineering, construction, and industrial backgrounds—draw from each other’s experiences to support project growth.

Comprehensive process control to optimize costs

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Through our expertise across every stage of the process, long-standing partnerships with suppliers, and internal knowledge-sharing, we ensure project costs are tailored to market needs without compromising on quality.

Right-Sized projects integrated seamlessly into their environment, supported by the expertise of our subsidiaries

In-depth field knowledge

engib chantier construction

From climatic and geographical conditions to economic dynamics, our on-site teams possess a deep understanding of their local territory. They can advise you on the best practices for establishing and operating your professional building.

Comprehensive local support

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With varying standards and regulations across countries, each subsidiary offers genuine legal and administrative support. Our knowledge of each region’s specific requirements enhances the project’s feasibility and success.

A dedicated local contact

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The centralization of services (design, construction) through CUBIC33 Group simplifies and streamlines the creation process. Throughout the project, you will be in contact with a single point of contact ensuring high-quality oversight during and after completion.